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The Frontline Studio
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The Frontline Studio
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Full HD
17 minutes
The Frontline Studio is a project of the Cultural Desant to promote military music culture, as well as to record and popularize songs created with the participation of direct participants in the war. In the first season of the Frontline Studio, 14 songs were recorded, and 14 video episodes were shot about the recording process, authors, and performers. About a hundred musicians took part in the recording, including the Heroes of Ukraine, the Honored Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Orchestra 59, the Zlatytsia children's choir from Pokrovsk, opera singers, poets, chaplains, and Queens of the Stone Age's Josh Gommie. The recordings include romances, rock ballads, lullabies, punk, opera, and rap.
The Frontline Studio is a project of the Cultural Desant to promote military music culture, as well as to record and popularize songs created with the participation of direct participants in the war. In the first season of the Frontline Studio, 14 songs were recorded, and 14 video episodes were shot about the recording process, authors, and performers. About a hundred musicians took part in the re