The Lucky Ones
The Lucky Ones
IMDb 6.9,
MGG 7.0

The Lucky Ones

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Full HD
113 minutes
For those who have been in the hot spots it is very hard to return back to civilian weekdays. Usually, their lives’ guidance is simplified to such standards: “when no one is killed and no one is hurt everything is alright”. When they come back to a normal life they understand that life is more complicated. Three soldiers – two boys and a girl receive a month’s leave after discharge from the hospital. They find themselves “at the forefront” of a civilian life and it would seem that they are unlikely to go through it without loss.
For those who have been in the hot spots it is very hard to return back to civilian weekdays. Usually, their lives’ guidance is simplified to such standards: “when no one is killed and no one is hurt everything is alright”. When they come back to a normal life they understand that life is more complicated. Three soldiers – two boys and a girl receive a month’s leave after discharge from the hospit


English , Ukrainian, Russian, Azerbaijani, Georgian, Lithuanian


Ukrainian, Russian, Azerbaijani, Estonian, Georgian, Kyrgyz, Romanian