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“Ihor ‘Cherkasy’ Mykhaylenko, Deputy Commander of the 3rd Brigade, Founder of Centuria
“Ihor ‘Cherkasy’ Mykhaylenko, Deputy Commander of the 3rd Brigade, Founder of Centuria
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“Ihor ‘Cherkasy’ Mykhaylenko, Deputy Commander of the 3rd Brigade, Founder of Centuria
“Ihor ‘Cherkasy’ Mykhaylenko, Deputy Commander of the 3rd Brigade, Founder of Centuria
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Full HD
30 minutes
The second commander of Azov and founder of Centuria, Ihor “Cherkasy” Mykhailenko, explains to viewers whether the language issue matters at the front. The man also tells why nationalists are needed in Ukraine and whether good Russians even exist, as well as why the Centuria was created.