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Vladyslav “Pervak” Pervukhin, “Svoboda” Battalion, Rubizh Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine
Vladyslav “Pervak” Pervukhin, “Svoboda” Battalion, Rubizh Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine
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Vladyslav “Pervak” Pervukhin, “Svoboda” Battalion, Rubizh Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine
Vladyslav “Pervak” Pervukhin, “Svoboda” Battalion, Rubizh Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine
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Full HD
31 minutes
Vladyslav Pervukhin, with the call sign Pervak, who is a former comedian and participant of the "Liha Smikhu" and now a fighter of the Svoboda Battalion of the Rubizh Brigade, shares his opinion on the methods of fighting bureaucracy in the Ukrainian army. The military man also talks about the difficulties on the front line and much more.