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Neposeda, Myakish and Netak
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Neposeda, Myakish and Netak
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Full HD
10 minutes
The boy Petya is engaged in the group, which creates technical devices. He even collects three unusual men who are trying to help him. Their names are Fidget, Crumb and Notright. But there is also an evil spider that arranged a trap for the trio, locking them in the studio. Now they have to overcome the treacherous bully and warn Petya that there is a failure in the rocket on which the boy has to make a flight at noon today...
The boy Petya is engaged in the group, which creates technical devices. He even collects three unusual men who are trying to help him. Their names are Fidget, Crumb and Notright. But there is also an evil spider that arranged a trap for the trio, locking them in the studio. Now they have to overcome the treacherous bully and warn Petya that there is a failure in the rocket on which the boy has to