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Meet the Robinsons
Meet the Robinsons
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Meet the Robinsons
Meet the Robinsons
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Full HD
90 minutes
Lewis grows up without parents and longs to find his family. Fortunately, Lewis has irrepressible imagination and amazing abilities of the invention of various fantastic devices. From different parts that come to hand he creates devices for developing memories, to at least see the face of his mother, who threw him in an orphanage as a baby. But at a school fair, where Lewis would submit his memory scanner in action, the unbelievable happens. First, Lewis meets his coeval Wilber, who tells that he has arrived from the future employee "Time control services". And then another alien, a sinister type in a black bowler hat, steals Lewis' invention and arranges an utter rout st the exhibition. To catch a cheater and to return everything on due places, the guys go in the future, where Lewis will have lots of exciting adventures. He will ride in a time machine, make friends with a robot Karl, take part in a fight with the watchdog dinosaur, save the world from the machinations of the villain and his pot, and most importantly - get acquainted with a large, friendly and whimsical little family of the Robinsons, and find the long-awaited relatives in them.
Lewis grows up without parents and longs to find his family. Fortunately, Lewis has irrepressible imagination and amazing abilities of the invention of various fantastic devices. From different parts that come to hand he creates devices for developing memories, to at least see the face of his mother, who threw him in an orphanage as a baby. But at a school fair, where Lewis would submit his memory