Crazy Wedding (Sign Language)
Crazy Wedding (Sign Language)
IMDb 6.1,
MGG 6.7

Crazy Wedding (Sign Language)

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Full HD
91 minutes
For many years Vasily has been working as a director of the local history museum and is a respected person in the city. When the man receives word from his daughter from far away France about her imminent marriage, he informs all local residents about his happiness. He takes pride in the fact that his future son-in-law will be European and prepares to host a a feast of feasts for the arrival of young people. But the father's mood changes when he finds out that Katia's fiance is an Afro-French. From now on Vasily tries to do everything to prevent the wedding. The film is completed with sign language interpretation for the hearing-impaired audience.
For many years Vasily has been working as a director of the local history museum and is a respected person in the city. When the man receives word from his daughter from far away France about her imminent marriage, he informs all local residents about his happiness. He takes pride in the fact that his future son-in-law will be European and prepares to host a a feast of feasts for the arrival of yo



