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Better ways to say "I think"
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Better ways to say "I think"
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2 minutes
Starting a sentence with "I think" is already quite commonplace, because it is the first thing that comes to mind when we want to express our opinion. To make your English sound more confident, we recommend learning 10 more synonyms for ‘I think’.
In a new educational video from Green Forest English School, Marina Karlevits talks about 10 ways to say ‘I think’ in other words. Among them are both more formal options and informal ones, that is, for all occasions
Starting a sentence with "I think" is already quite commonplace, because it is the first thing that comes to mind when we want to express our opinion. To make your English sound more confident, we recommend learning 10 more synonyms for ‘I think’.
In a new educational video from Green Forest English School, Marina Karlevits talks about 10 ways to say ‘I think’ in other words. Among them are both