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10 business English phrases
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10 business English phrases
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4 minutes
If in the middle of a business meeting you heard the phrase "get your ducks in a row" or "peel back the onion," which does not fit into the conversation about your new project, do not be afraid, it's just corporate jargon in English!
And it is about it that Green Forest teacher Anna Chorna will tell you today in a new educational video.
Turn on the video now to expand your vocabulary with 10 interesting English phrases used in a business context.
If in the middle of a business meeting you heard the phrase "get your ducks in a row" or "peel back the onion," which does not fit into the conversation about your new project, do not be afraid, it's just corporate jargon in English!
And it is about it that Green Forest teacher Anna Chorna will tell you today in a new educational video.
Turn on the video now to expand your vocabulary with 10 inte