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Maksym Zhorin, Major of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Deputy Commander of the 3rd Brigade, Former Commander of the Azov Regiment
Maksym Zhorin, Major of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Deputy Commander of the 3rd Brigade, Former Commander of the Azov Regiment
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Maksym Zhorin, Major of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Deputy Commander of the 3rd Brigade, Former Commander of the Azov Regiment
Maksym Zhorin, Major of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Deputy Commander of the 3rd Brigade, Former Commander of the Azov Regiment
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Full HD
37 minutes
The former deputy of the Azov regiment, Major Maksym Zhorin, tells the audience about the problems in the Pokrovsk direction, reveals the secret of Azov's success, reflects on whether Ukraine is ready to enter peace talks with Russia and what Ukrainians should be prepared for, etc. He also shares the importance of Free Azov campaigns.