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Flemish boy
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Flemish boy
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9 minutes
Nella was an orphan. He lived in the village, and his only consolation was communication with a cute girl named Alois. His girlfriend was the daughter of a wealthy miller, so she needed nothing except for a sincere friendship and warmth. Nella subdued her with his skills of an artist and sensitivity. But Alois’ father did not like that this teenager, who had nothing, suddenly began to spend much time with his daughter...
Nella was an orphan. He lived in the village, and his only consolation was communication with a cute girl named Alois. His girlfriend was the daughter of a wealthy miller, so she needed nothing except for a sincere friendship and warmth. Nella subdued her with his skills of an artist and sensitivity. But Alois’ father did not like that this teenager, who had nothing, suddenly began to spend much t