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The Key
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The Key
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0.1 USD
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Full HD
13 minutes
A fairy tale about a town where all creatures and even nature consist of watch mechanisms. Trash scattered on the sidewalk, animals, birds, trees and the local population looks a bit like a robot – all this consists of a lot of details and diagrams. A watchmaker helps them all, the only man of flesh and blood in this country. As if being a doctor, he accepts those who have any complaints. Life goes on, until one day the unexpected happens...
A fairy tale about a town where all creatures and even nature consist of watch mechanisms. Trash scattered on the sidewalk, animals, birds, trees and the local population looks a bit like a robot – all this consists of a lot of details and diagrams. A watchmaker helps them all, the only man of flesh and blood in this country. As if being a doctor, he accepts those who have any complaints. Life goe